Key words and phrases:
Amidst: in the middle of
Hustle and bustle: activity and work surrounded by noise
On the verge of: something is about to happen
Serenity: calmness, quietness
Ingredient: a component or part of something
Nurture: to care for and protect something while it is growing or developing
Succinctly: in a brief and clearly expressed way
Aspire: direct ones ambitions toward achieving a particular thing
Hello friends.
As we flip to a new page of the calendar, we see that November is already here. Where does
the time go? As they say, time flies when you’re having fun, so if you feel that time is
passing by quickly, it probably means that you are happy.
Do you ever think of your life as a book? The days, months and years are like the chapters in
a book, each one introducing us to new adventures, people and mysteries.
However, amidst the hustle and bustle, we often overlook the beauty that is all around us.
While walking this morning, I took notice of the crispness of the morning air and how the
beautiful blue sky was a canvas painted with the leaves on the trees, still green but on the
verge of changing color. This all happened before arriving at the office and starting the day
with a steaming cup of coffee in the quiet serenity of the morning.
With only around sixty days remaining this year, I challenge you, and myself, to find
pleasure in the little things that surround us every day. The right mindset is usually all that is
needed to see that anything can be an ingredient to happiness. That could be the warmth of
smile, the comfort of friends and family, or the satisfaction of personal accomplishments.
As we step into this month, let's look at it through a lens of positivity. Set yourself a 30-day
challenge, nurture your dreams, and celebrate even the smallest victories. Sometimes the
victory is simply getting out of bed in the morning!
As Marcus Aurelius succinctly put it, “The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of
your thoughts.” Let’s think good thoughts this month and see how we feel at the end of the
month. That is a 30-day challenge I have set for myself and I hope you will choose one that
fits the month that you aspire to have. Remember, the month is going to fly by anyway, so
why not make them 30 happy days?
Wishing you health and happiness always.
Mark Tofflemire
Tailor Made Inc. or